Memorial Elementary School
Elementary school in Pitman, New Jersey.
Our school features small class sizes averaging 20 students per section. Our teachers are trained in subject matter and in the art of teaching; they are warm, caring, and nurturing. We are committed to fostering the development of the whole child, to impact learning and levels and achievement.
Mission, Vision, Theme:
Building on our unique traditions, the mission of the Pitman School District, in partnership with families and our community, is to educate all students through exceptional learning experiences to be discerning, ethical, confident citizens. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at all grade levels.
Awards, Recognition, Accomplishments:
Memorial School has been recognized for its partnership with Rowan University on a “One Book, One School” summer reading program that is open to all students and families. The program also features mini-libraries housed in several “honor boxes” located throughout the town, as well as community events such as lemonade sales tied to the summer reading assignment.
Courses, Curriculum, Instruction:
Curriculum based on NJ Student Learning Standards. Language arts: students learn to speak; listen actively; write; organize language; and read a variety of text. Math: standards-based program that embeds math concepts in real life problem solving scenarios; develop numeracy and spatial sense through activities and use of manipulatives; and performance of numerical operations. Other areas: Social studies, science, art, music, STEM/Technology, Spanish, remedial support, and enrichment activities.
Clubs and Activities:
Our school offers a variety of clubs that are student generated and supported and staffed by our staff and supported through our Home and School Association. Instrumental music instruction is offered for students in grades 4 and 5. A signature part of a Memorial School student’s education is the annual Butterfly Parade – the culmination of a schoolwide unit of study on the life cycle and migration of the monarch butterfly, which takes place every September.
Before and After School Programs:
Our school offers before and after care through our Panther Club program. Students can attend before school 7:00 am to 8:30 am and after school 3 pm until 6 pm. There is also an opportunity for 4 year old pre-school students to attend 8:30 am to 12:30 pm prior to the start of pre-school. For more information contact the main office or program coordinator at 589-2145.
Staff and Professional Learning:
Teachers are engaged in all mandated professional development in addition to district wide curricular initiatives. Grade level teams also participate in self-generated Professional Learning Communities that meet minimally on a bi-monthly basis.
Student Supports and Services:
Our schools house classes in grades K through 5, inclusion preschool classes, and specialized programs for children with special needs. In addition, the school and district feature a full time nurse, and guidance counselor. The district provides related services, including but not limited to, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech.
Student Health and Wellness:
Our school offers “Breakfast After the Bell” and offers a full school lunch program. Students participate in physical education classes on a weekly basis and have daily opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Parent and Community Involvement:
Our school is supported by an active Home and School Association and bi-annual grant opportunities from the Pitman Education Foundation. Many other local businesses and organizations also contribute to our school community based on specific needs and situations.
Other Information and Highlights:
Memorial School has a full day Kindergarten program, as well as a half day inclusion preschool program for 3 and 4 year olds. All schools in the district accept applications from non-resident students to attend Pitman schools on a tuition basis in grades K-12; contact the district office at 856-589-2145 for more information on how to apply and our reasonable tuition rates.